Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pumpkin 2 POOP-kin

So people always ask me what I do everyday... the following is one experiment that occupies a very small amount of time each day...

I suppose I should preface with some info - my papa would not let me make a traditional compost pile... so I went rogue and took things into my own hands! I started a worm compost bin... where the worms, bacteria, fungi, and a lot of other little critters break down the food and make it into awesome fertilizer. More of worm composting (vermicomposting) later... for now the pumpkin reigns!

Day 1 - October 31, 2008

It began as a two-faced carved pumpkin

Day 2 - November 1, 2008 - It lost a face and went into the worm bin!

Day 5 - November 4, 2008 - do you see the mold fuzz?

Day 6 - November 5, 2008 - now you do!

Day 8 - November 7, 2008

Day 9 - November 8, 2008 - the black fuzzy stuff is mold - YUCK!

Day 12 - November 12, 2008 - Too bad you can't see how much it flattened out in the picture!

I often forget to take pictures...but hopefully I will remember often enough to post pictures that show the real degradation process! I don't want the whole thing to fall apart so I haven't turned it over to see if the wormies have started chowing down. The end goal is to have it all become wonderful nutrient rich worm POOP (a.k.a. fertilizer!)

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